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Stories from…STEPS // Lily

A recent participant of the STEPS course shares their experience with us.

This Autumn I began the 12-Step programme because I was struggling with post-traumatic stress and destructive patterns that had emerged out of the experience of trauma, which I simply could not overcome. I felt trapped by a sense of guilt, shame and crippling anxiety. It felt like quite a big step to even begin the course, as I wasn’t sure how I’d handle being in a group setting. However, it was well worth the risk. The process of surrendering to God, confession and forgiveness, has been powerful and has enabled me to reconnect with God, with myself and with others.

The most profound change has been the freedom that has arisen from a fresh revelation of God’s grace. The change from believing God to be judgemental and condemning, to now knowing he is loving and forgiving, has allowed me to open my heart afresh to God and others, rather than hide in shame. This has brought about a greater sense of peace, serenity and self-compassion, where before I had been battling self-hatred. In learning to be compassionate to myself I have much more capacity for compassion to others. My post-traumatic stress symptoms have reduced significantly and this has increased my faith that deep transformation and healing is truly possible.

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Prodigal Son

Nicole Lewis 21st April 2024

Nicole Lewis continues through our series on Luke, recounting the familiar parable of the Prodigal Son, and pausing to reflect on how we can often identify with both sons in the story. 

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