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Prayer for our city

Heavenly Father,

We pray that you would protect our city from further acts of violence, and fill our streets with peace.

For those who are mourning the loss of loved ones, would you draw close to them and bring them comfort. Would those who feel fearful or vulnerable instead be filled with hope.

We pray that these recent attacks would not lead to fear, uncertainty, or division. And may they not become a catalyst for further acts of hate.

Thank you for the men and women who risk their lives on behalf of others. Would you empower the police and emergency services to protect our city from further acts of violence. And would you empower us, your church, to be peacemakers in our communities.

We look forward to the day when weapons will be beaten into ploughshares, every tear will be wiped away, and death will be swallowed up forever. We pray for a foretaste of that day right now.

In Jesus’ name,


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