Church News

Christ Church London is about to embark on a significant new chapter. Find out more

Fully Alive

The Church Father Irenaeus wrote that ‘the glory of God is a human being fully alive.’ In this series, we explore what it means to be made in God’s image, and how He calls us to work for the cultural, social and spiritual renewal of our world.

The Garden

David Stroud 18th June 2017

God created humanity, male and female, in His own image, and gave them the task to care for the garden and expand its borders. In this talk, David looks at how that calling shapes our vision to work for the cultural, social, and spiritual renewal of our world.


The Temple

Andy Tilsley 3rd July 2017

God’s people are no longer in a garden, but a wilderness. Yet God continues to reach out to them, and through them to the world. In this talk, Andy looks at God’s plan to create a Kingdom of Priests.


The Kingdom

Jo Wells 9th July 2017

As we turn to the New Testament, we read of Jesus, the true image bearer, who announces the arrival of God’s Kingdom. In this talk, Jo looks at how the message of the Kingdom results in freedom and renewal.


The New Creation

David Stroud 16th July 2017

How can we be image bearers of God? In this talk, David Stroud looks at how faith, hope and love play a key part in what it means to live fully alive.
