Church News

Christ Church London is about to embark on a significant new chapter. Find out more


Latest talk
Parable of the Shrewd Manager
Joel Wade

Joel Wade continues through our series on Luke, unpacking the enigmatic parable known as the Shrewd Manager, and how stewardship and generosity are part of what it means to follow Jesus. 


Latest talks

Parable of the Tenants

James Copeland 14th April 2024

James Copeland unpacks Luke 20:9-19, and the challenging parable Jesus tells about the tenants in the Vineyard. He looks at what this meant for Israel, and what this might mean for us today to be God’s tenants and the temptation to do away with God and seize power and control for ourselves. 


Jesus Heals a Blind Man at Jericho

Philippa Long 7th April 2024

In this talk Philippa Long explores how hope in the promises of God forges our hope through darkness and when met with the grace of Jesus it unlocks our deepest healing.


The Narrow Door and Sorrow for Jerusalem

Natalie Powell 11th April 2024

In our series on the Gospel of Luke, Natalie looks at Jesus’ warnings about salvation in Luke 13:22-35 and explores what it means to “make every effort to enter through the narrow door” of God’s kingdom. 

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Talk series

In this series we’ll explore the world-changing story of Jesus through the Gospel of Luke. It’ll be a chance to not only see why the Gospel stories are important, but how we can actually read and understand them. We’ll get to immerse ourselves in Jesus’ life, teachings, death, and resurrection. But we’ll also explore key people and themes throughout Luke that will help challenge and encourage us as followers of Jesus in today’s world.

During Lent, we are journeying through Luke’s Gospel to reflect on significant themes in Jesus’ journey to Jerusalem and, ultimately, to the cross. We will be exploring practices such as humility, forgiveness, and justice, and explore what they mean for our journey as followers of Jesus in today’s world.

This series unpacks God’s call to devote every area of life under the lordship of Jesus – because not only did he create us, but also died to reunite our whole life back to God. Jesus’ call to ‘follow him’ encompasses every area of daily life – areas which can either be devoted to him or, if we let them, divide us from him and the abundant life he invites us to.

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