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The Spirit Filled Life: The Hand of God


We concluded our series on Pentecost Sunday, looking at Acts 4:23-31. We saw that the believers prayed for their own work and for God’s work – for God to give them power and courage, and for Him to stretch out His hand in signs and wonders. 

Discussion (15 mins+)

Take some time, ideally in small groups so everyone can share, to discuss some of the following questions: 

  • Liam shared a story of him being nervous and reluctant to follow God’s prompt to pray for someone to experience healing. Can you identify with that? Are there any things God is asking you to do right now, where you need the Holy Spirit to give you courage?
  • Are there times when you know you have experienced God empowering you? Share a story to encourage others in the group. 

Prayer (15 mins)

In small groups of 2 or 3, pray for one another to be filled with the Holy Spirit. You may want to pray about things you have previously discussed, or share things God prompts you with. You may want to pray for people who need healing today. Or if you would rather, try praying around the two halves of the prayer in Acts 4: 

  • ‘Enable your servants to speak your word with great boldness’ – pray for courage in evangelism.
  • ‘Stretch out your hand to heal and perform signs and wonders through the name of your holy servant Jesus’ – pray for God to heal the sick and bring revival.

Closing Prayer

Holy Spirit,
Would you fill me afresh.
Not as water fills a cup –
Leaving it static,
Until it leaks,
Or needs refilling –
But as wind fills sails –
Propelling the ship,
With purpose,
And on an adventure. 

As I stretch out my hand
In obedience and faith,
Would you move in power,
As if my hand were a glove for yours,
And a vessel through which
You will reach others with your healing touch



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